Did I just spend an hour of my life cutting slices of string cheese into little heart shapes for my sons snack at his preschool tomorrow? Why yes, yes I did. And only after remembering we were responsible for snack at 11:30pm. This after placing rubber bands around 52 valentines with Starbursts attached to them because the little flaps wouldn't hold them down. This after cutting out lines and curves of sticky labels to place on Marcus' basketball themed valentines box. This after cutting out hoops for said valentines box. After cutting out letters that he can put on in the morning so he doesnt have to say his mom did it all. After cutting a curly cue out of Eric's valentines box in attempt to emulate his much more elaborate chutes idea and finding name and heart stickers so he too does not have to lie when bringing his box to school as his own. This after wrangling four kids through a Dairy Queen drive thru dinner (including a trip back to get the cheeseburger they forgot) because we had spent so much time on just printing out the class rosters and labeling the valentines. And I know... I know I shouldn't have let them eat the chocolate bars that we couldn't include because they had peanuts in them. Or the dilly bar dessert either. And that perhaps bedtime would have included a lot less crazy without the sugar and the last minute franticness of it all.
But I was looking for easy. Easy after a day that included a trip to the library where I had to drag Braedon out while he tried to hold onto everything we went by and yelling, "NOOOOO, YOU A BAD MOM... NO PRESENTS FOR YOU" all while holding Maddox. And this after 10 minutes of embarrassing mommy tactics including, but not limited to bribing with a lollipop, bribing with iPhone time, threatening with sending into calm down corner, counting to random numbers, lying about closing time and threatening to leave without him (which he said was a good idea, he will wait there and play computers). And the more I craved the easy, the crazier it got. My self inflicted ailments of overmommying have got me to this place. This place of typing one handed while comforting my coughing Braedon and just hoping these words can help bring resolve. There is no restart button.
Btw, can I also tell you that my snack plans for our "friendship" gathering tomorrow includes a mixed race grouping of Annie's bunnies and smiley face pears. I would pat myself on the back except it is 2 in the morning and I would score this day as anything but a win. Happy Valentines Day!
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